Anime Chord A-Z

Arrival of Tears (11 Eyes) Chord
Asu no Yoichi (egao no riyuu) Chord
Blue Flame (Band Alice Nine) Chord
Choir Jail (Tasogare Otome X Amnesia) Chord
Chouritsu (Fatal Frame IV) Chord
Crossing Field (Sword Art Online) Chord
Date A Live (Date A Live) Chord
Days of Dash (Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo) Chord
Don't Say Lazy (K-ON) Chord
Endless Story (C Cube x Cursed x Curious) Chord
Esoragato (Sankarea) Chord
Innocence (Sword Art Online) Chord
Light My Fire (Shakugan no Shana) Chord
Realization (Hagure Yuusha no Estetica) Chord
Reason Why XXX (Dakara Boku wa H ga Dekinai) Chord
Serment (Shakugan no Shana) Chord
The Everlasting (Guilty Crown) Chord
Unite (Accel World) Chord

7 komentar:

  1. i'm sorry. but would you to share the chord oh "Singing (K-ON) Hikari (Oda nobuna no yabou)" , , , , ,???


  2. ehm.... sure....
    oda nobuna no yabou - hikari maybe later
    which of K-ON ?

  3. Hello, I loved all the songs you posted! * - *
    (sorry for the bad English, I'm using google translator: P) I just wanted to ask if you share the chords of "sorairo days", the opening of Tengen toppa Gurren Lagann and Destine Histoire from Gosick? With those I'll thank forever * - * Once again, great job: D and sorry for the English xD

  4. umm...could you please post the chords of 'brave song' aoi tada version from angel beats??

  5. bisa request gak klo bisa chord gitarnya diana garnet spinning world ost naruto donk

  6. bisa request gak klo bisa chord gitarnya diana garnet spinning world ost naruto donk
